Affordable Financing for Smart Liposuction and Brazilian Butt lift with monthly payment options that include no up-front costs and no prepayment penalties.

When you look at the cost for Smart Liposuction Cost and look at the cost of financing, you can actually get a new figure for about the same price as a cup of latte per day… just about $4/day)*

We work with  Financial Services who can provide financing plans that fit your budget. Our staff will help you find the best financing options available for laser procedures, cosmetic surgery and other health & beauty services.

Smart liposuction laser body sculpting starts at just $2,995 and Brazilian Butt Lift start at just over $5,000.

Benefits of a a body you are proud of include enhanced:

  • Self-esteem*
  • Confidence*
  • Quality of life*

Smart liposuction can help to improve quality of life by allowing you the appearance and body shape you desire.

Contact us today to learn more about your options, or follow the link below for Prosper Healthcare Lending or Care Credit.


    Dr. Goodman can help you too!

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    We can help you afford Smartlipo, a Brazilian Butt Lift or whatever you need.

    If you are ready to transform your body, don’t let a dollar sign stand in your way. We’re pleased to offer various financing options to make your procedure affordable and help you discover which one is right for you today!

    New Radiance Cosmetic Centers has partnered with several finance companies to offer customized programs including no money down, 0% interest, and extended repayment periods.  We have a solution that will help you  fit this procedure into your budget.


    Prosper Healthcare Financing

    Alpheon Credit

    ALPHAEON helps you live a dynamic life while looking and feeling your best. They provide financing for cosmetic procedures at New Radiance Cosmetic Centers and make any procedure affordable through their simple financing options.