Large Volume Liposuction in Wellington 

Plus-sized Men & Women can get dramatic results with Large Volume Liposuction

Neil C Goodman – Smart Liposuction Expert has performed over 6500 cases

Plus-sized men and women can get dramatic results with Large Volume Liposuction, especially when performed by experienced surgeon Dr. Neil Goodman. Large Volume Liposuction offers large-sized people a new beginning. Dr. Goodman’s technique was developed based on years of experience, scientific measurement of skin and fat temperatures. His technique uses a power cannula to removes the subcutaneous layer of fat. Subsequently, laser energy heats the inside of the skin to a safely-monitored temperature, liquefying remaining fat and causing skin tightening. Using only local anesthesia and adhering to the Board of Medicine’s guidelines of four liters of fat, patient safety is paramount and achieved.*


  • No General Anesthesia, Local Anesthesia only!
  • Removes up to 4 liters of fat per procedure
  • Safe, Gentle, minimal recovery
  • You Walk in and Walk out – Back to Work in One Day
  • Florida’s Top Liposuction Surgeon – Accredited Facility
  • Custom Liposuction Method for Body Contouring of Large-sized Patients*
Large Volume Liposuction


For more Before and After photos, click here*



Custom Liposuction Method for Body Contouring of Large-sized Patients.

In 2 -3 months the procedure can be repeated on other areas. In this way, a single large, and potentially risky, case is divided into two or more smaller and much safer procedures. Skin tightening is further achieved by a second treatment via laser in areas where needed.

The S.L.A.B.S. procedure was developed after years of scientific measurement of skin and fat temperatures. Simply put, fat is removed with a power cannula and after removing this subcutaneous layer of fat, the laser fiber heats the inside of the skin to the correct, safe monitored temperature.

By doing this under local “awake” anesthesia and adhering to the Florida Board of Medicine’s guidelines of four liters of fat, patient safety is preserved.

Who is a good candidate?

Lbs. Over Chart Weight
50 to 75 lbs. – May be good candidates
70 to 100 lbs. – Analysis of health, age, weight, weight patterns, exercise, and motivation is considered
100 to 150 lbs. – Only some are accepted as large volume liposuction patients
> 150+ lbs. – Losing  weight or bypass surgery required first

These procedures are done under general anesthesia and can take several hours depending on the number of areas addressed. Special garments are worn for about 2 to 4 weeks after the procedure. Garments are quite comfortable and required for best post-procedure outcomes.*

Interested in Large Volume Liposuction? Contact us today for a complimentary consultation.

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