Mommy Makeover – Laser body sculpting and fat transfer to Breast and Buttocks can give you stunning Mommy Makeover results without the Cost, Risks, and Downtime of major surgery!*

Many women live with the dreaded “post-baby body” for the rest of their lives and never do anything about it.

“What we do is a ‘makeover by minimally invasive liposuction and fat transfer’ which permits rapid return to work and full activities within a few days, with results that are really significant.” – Dr. Neil C. Goodman

First of all,  What what do you know about old fashioned Mommy Makeovers?

Mommy Makeover is just a catch-all phrase for any combination of procedures that address the abdomen and breast.  This “Surgical”  approach to a Mommy Makeover usually includes:

  • Breast augmentation or Breast lift (Major surgery)
  • Tummy tuck – abdominoplasty  (Major surgery, major recovery, high complication rates)
  • Old Fashioned Liposuction (Can’t compare with the latest Laser liposuction techniques)

But today there is a safer procedure with no scars and downtime and for a lot less money….with stunning results.* (we remove up to 4 liters of Fat) Dr Goodman’s Non-Surgical Mommy Makeover is Laser Body Sculpting and fat transfer to Breast and Buttocks. It can provide life altering results* and consists of:

  •  Laser Body Sculpting of the abs, hips and thighs
  • Cellulite Reduction with Laser and Smart Liposuction
  • Fat Transfer; May be to the Buttocks, Breasts, Face or all
  • Laser Skin Tightening for Skin and  Tummy tightening


State of the art, Non-surgical Mommy Makeover may be all you need to see the body you once had, and at a fraction of the cost of major cosmetic surgery. Most importantly, there is with no cutting, no downtime, no general anesthesia no huge scars or scars at all and substantially lessened risks!

Don’t you owe it to yourself to come in for a free consultation?

Contact us today to set up your complimentary consultation.